Na de Engelse tournee met The Gaslight Anthem en aantal headlineshows in november, waaronder gigs in Paradiso en De Kreun, brengt Blood Red Shoes op 21 januari 2013 de drie songs tellende EP ‘Water’ uit. De EP zal digitaal uitkomen en verschijnt op import ook als vinyl 10”.
Zanger-drummer Steven Ansell en zangeres-gitariste Laura-Mary Carter namen de drie nummers in oktober van dit jaar in Dallas, Texas op met producer John Congleton, bekend van zijn werk met The Roots, The Walkmen en Explosions In The Sky. Via de website van Blood Red Shoes is de EP in zijn geheel te streamen. Via Soundcloud kun je het liedje ‘Black Distractions’ nu al gratis downloaden.
Steven Ansell: “One of the first times Laura and I actually met was at a show that John Congleton’s band The Paper Chase were playing in london 8 years ago. We’ve known John since then and always been in touch about doing some recording sometime…. so we finally made it happen at the end of our recent US tour. We did it super fast down at his studio in Dallas, Texas, straight after our last show of the US tour. The songs themselves are some of the most out-and-out rock riffs we’ve ever written, inspired a lot by driving around the USA and pure badass rock n roll immediacy – they’re much looser, faster, and less considered than ‘In Time To Voices’ and we wanted to capture that feeling and not make it too perfect. “
De tracklisting van de Water EP ziet er als volgt uit:
1. Red River
2. Black Distractions
3. Idle Hands
EP verdeeld door V2