Amyl & The Sniffers kondigt nieuw album ‘Cartoon darkness’ met single

door Yannick Verhasselt

De afgelopen weken dropten Amyl & The Sniffers enkele singles. ‘U should not be doing that’ en “Facts’ kon je eerder al grijs draaien. Nu komt de band met een nieuwe single ‘Chewing gum’ en het, lichtjes verwachtte, nieuws dat de band een album binnenkort zal uitbrengen. ‘Cartoon darkness’ komt uit op 25 oktober via Rough Trade.

In een statement vertelt de band: “The adversity of life is desire never fulfilled. Doing the dishes cleaning, but never the one eating the meal, so close but it’s never enough, and trying to celebrate the ignorance of youth despite it being robbed away, so choosing ignorance, choosing to be dumb and choosing love, despite everything, choosing bad decisions for love, for life, because it is short, or is it long?” De frontvrouw gaat verder: “Surrendering to joy, surrendering to being a vision, in your own power, because making decisions based on emotion rather than logic is liberating, and despite the external inferno, you walk away unscathed, through flames, burnt but only superficially, unstopped, unaffected, unhuman. Life is work, life is not free, we can never work enough because the end goal doesn’t exist, so all we can do is choose to be wrong.” Luister hieronder naar de nieuwe single.