Kate Bollinger stelt in september debuutalbum voor, luister nieuwe single ‘Any day now’

door Yannick Verhasselt

De uit Virginia afkomstige, maar al enige tijd in Los Angeles wonende Kate Bollinger komt binnenkort met haar langverwachte debuutalbum. ‘Songs from a thousand frames of mind’ heet de elpee. Ze komt uit op 27 september. “My good friend Matt [E. White] was visiting from Virginia and we got together to play some music. We wrote this song and then drove around Los Angeles together. That same day he helped me realize the kind of record I wanted to make, which I subconsciously knew but couldn’t really find the words for until then,” vertelt Bollinger in een statement. “A few months later, I recorded the song at Sam’s [Evian] place in upstate New York with a band we put together. We spent the first day practicing the songs. The next day we recorded the first two songs, ‘Any Day’ Now being the second one. We did it all live in the room, no headphones or click, done in the spirit of most of my favorite music from the late 60s.

Het debuutalbum komt er na een reeks ep’s waarbij het in 2022 uitgebrachte ‘Look at it in the light’ heel wat potten brak. Beluister hieronder de nieuwe single ‘Any day now’.