Joan As Police Woman brengt in september nieuw album uit

door Yannick Verhasselt

De Amerikaanse singer-songwriter Joan As Police Woman brengt, na enkele jaren afwezigheid, een nieuw album uit. “I was ready to make an album that truly featured my voice. The basics were recorded like they used to be — with me singing live along with the band. My good friend told me this is the sexiest album I’ve ever made. Honestly, I think she’s right.“, vertelt ze in een statement over het album. ‘Lemons, limes and orchids’ heet de plaat trouwens. Ze komt uit op 20 september via PIAS.

Daarbij brengt ze ook meteen een nieuwe single uit. “This song refers to the human race’s seemingly willful move away from ourselves“, vertelt ze over het nummer. “Away from our interest in listening, in finding commonalities and compassion, communication and love. We seem intent on destroying ourselves. We seem unwilling to share resources. We seem to have turned away from ourselves and in turn each other.